@xperiments .




Some projects that I have contributed to the community. GitHub


cabinjs-admin Simple CabinJS Blog Admin

json2dts JSON to TypeScript interfaces

express-mocker NodeJS Multipurpose Mockup Server

Pulsar Pixi.js Typescript definition file and Utils

TSDoc A JSDoc3 base themed generator generator for use with Typescript Projects

svg2ctx NodeJS module for converting svg to canvas context command class.


FDT-Free-IOS-AIR-Template Group of ant files that helps users of FDT5 Free, Deploy IOS apps.

ANEPinterest A simple wrapper to the Pinterest iOS class interface.

ANEUnRar A simple wrapper to the Cooliris UnRAR iOS class interface.

IOSSystemUtils IOSSystemUtils a little IOS ANE extension

ANEFileSyncInterface A micro http server with FileManagement capabilities. Based in the CocoaHTTPServer library.

ANEBridgeCreator A little tool to simplify the startup of a ANE project.

ANEZipFile Adobe AIR iOS Native Extension to zip/unzip files.

ANE7z Adobe AIR iOS Native Extension to decompres 7z files.

ANEBridgeCreator A little tool to simplify the startup of a ANE project.

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